Our experts are always willing to provide reliable advice as it relates to some of your most common questions and concerns.
We are part of ClimateCare cooperative – the largest heating and cooling cooperative in Ontario- which means that not only do we truly CARE about your comfort and well-being, but we also have access to a plethora of knowledge, expertise, training, and resources that aren’t found elsewhere. By tapping into each other’s strengths and highly skilled expertise, we are better able to serve our customers, and help each other grow and succeed. The result is that all our members across Ontario become true experts with current, up-to-date knowledge and information about the industry, and can deliver on our WeCARE promise of Comfort. Accountability. Reliability. Excellence.
Whether you are waiting to hear from back us or simply looking for some more information, the following videos of our members answering the most frequently asked questions, can help you troubleshoot your HVAC system, and get a better understanding of when to call in the experts.
Wondering why your air conditioner is running constantly or how often you should change your furnace filter? Maybe you’re curious whether turning off your air conditioner when you’re not home will help you save money. Have a look at some of our most popular videos here and be sure to check back for new topics every so often.
If you have any questions after watching our videos or need something explained in more depth, feel free to get in touch with us directly anytime. We’d love to hear from you!
How Long Should my Furnace Last?
Why is My Hot Water Tank Leaking?
Why is My High Efficiency Furnace leaking Water in the Summer?
What Efficiency Furnace Should I Buy?
Do High Efficiency Furnaces Run More Often?
How to Clean a Furnace Fan
How to Clean a High Efficiency Furnace
Why is My Air Conditioner Running But Not Cooling My Home
Air Conditioner Cools Then Stops Cooling
Does Turning Off Air Conditioning When I’m Not Home Save Money?
Why Does My Furnace Keep Shutting Off?
Air Conditioner Not Blowing?
What Would Cause A Furnacce Not to Ignite?
Can I Operate My Furnace Without A Filter?
How Do i Choose a Furnace For My Home?