How to Improve Ventilation in Your Home

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Why make sure that there is proper ventilation in your home? Even in the dead of winter or the height of summer, it is important to have proper airflow through your home. Otherwise, your home may have humidity and moisture issues, feel stuffy, have bad odours, and even health and safety issues can arise with family members. Mold growth, for example, might be spurred on by poor ventilation and then cause discomfort or even serious health issues. 

So, it is wise to make sure the ventilation in your home is up to scruff. There are many ways to improve your airflow too, from free ways to dedicated systems that can target the specific air quality issues your home has. Here are your options to improve ventilation in your home. 

Existing Ventilation 

You have many sources of natural ventilation in your home that you can use strategically to move odours, smoke, and just bring some fresh air into the home. Temporarily open windows, doors, or skylights to provide natural ventilation. It is best to open more than one, so that the air has a clear path through your home. That helps draw more fresh air in and exhaust more stale or unpleasant air. 

Spot Ventilation 

Using your existing ventilation is free, but it may not be very effective. This is especially true in the winter or summer, when using natural ventilation can reduce the effectiveness of your air conditioner or furnace, and waste energy. Instead, you may try using spot ventilation. These vents are installed right where you need them, so they move out the air that you don’t want faster, wasting less energy. You might want a dedicated vent for your bathroom or kitchen to remove humidity and smells. Or, you may want ventilation dedicated to your garage, art room, home office, or another space where you generate dust or fumes. 

Kitchen Vent

Home Ventilation Systems 

Spot ventilation isn’t right, or enough, for every home. If you find that running the kitchen vent doesn’t do much, then a whole-home ventilation system may be a better fit for you. Here are three options for your home ventilation system: 

  • Mechanical Extract Ventilation: These systems are meant to move moisture out of the home, which can dramatically reduce mold issues. 
  • Passive Stack Ventilation: These systems use three strategies to move air out of your home and bring fresh air in. The wind outside pulls air from the home using suction, the system has cross ventilation, and warm air will naturally rise out of this system. 
  • Positive Input Ventilation: These systems rely on fans, unlike in passive stack ventilation, to move air out of the home. 

Proper home ventilation is critical all year round. Taking the necessary steps and having the proper equipment will help you breathe better all year. Contact Air Treatment ClimateCare to learn more about your home ventilation solutions.