Category Archives: Furnaces

Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace or Air Conditioner?

Should I repair or replace my furnace or air conditioner? Lots of customers ask us because it’s not an easy decision to make. A single repair might save some money, but will this just be the first of many expensive repairs that keep coming? A replacement won’t break down for a long time, but is … Continue reading Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace or Air Conditioner?

Is the MERV Rating on My Furnace Filter Important?

Does the MERV Rating on My Furnace Filter REALLY Matter? Proper air filtration is essential for breathing cleaner indoor air. Mechanical filters are the most common types of filters used in HVAC systems. They are also highly efficient and require minimal maintenance. The most important aspect of these filters is the mechanical efficiency rating value … Continue reading Is the MERV Rating on My Furnace Filter Important?

Too Hot Upstairs, Too Cold Downstairs

Heat rises, right? We all know that to be true for the most part. The implications are important to homeowners when we  find both hot and cold spots make parts of the home uncomfortable. How do we manage hot and cool air distribution at home? Uneven temperatures can make your home or office uncomfortable places to be and even … Continue reading Too Hot Upstairs, Too Cold Downstairs