What Appliances Can Cause A Carbon Monoxide Alarm To Go Off?   

Gas Stove in use

Carbon monoxide alarms are critical for every home’s safety, but did you know they can be triggered by common household devices? Carbon monoxide alarms can go off due to appliances that burn fossil fuels, such as: 

How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Leaks from Your Appliances 

Carbon monoxide is an odourless and tasteless gas, making it difficult to detect without an alarm. To prevent dangerous carbon monoxide leaks in your home, here are the steps you can take: 

  1. Install carbon monoxide detectors: Place carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home and in each bedroom. Ensure you have both battery-operated and plug-in detectors in case of a power failure. 
  2. Have your heating systems and appliances inspected annually: This includes your furnace, water heater, and chimney.  
  3. Use appliances properly: Use appliances such as gas stoves, ovens, and heaters as directed.  
  4. Ensure proper ventilation: Ensure that your home has adequate ventilation, especially when using appliances that burn fuel. This includes opening windows, running exhaust fans, and making sure vents and chimneys are clear of debris. Consider installing additional ventilation in your home such as whole-home ventilation.  
  5. Don’t leave your car running in the garage: open the garage door or start the vehicle in the driveway to avoid carbon monoxide buildup in your home. 

By taking these steps, you can help keep your family safe from the dangers of carbon monoxide. If you ever suspect a carbon monoxide leak, it’s important to evacuate your home immediately and call 911. 

Get all your carbon monoxide alarm questions answered in our blog!

Stay Safe with Air Treatment ClimateCare’s Indoor Air Quality Solutions 

At Air Treatment ClimateCare, we’ll help you safeguard your family with improved indoor air quality. Our premium HVAC appliances, state-of-the-art alarms, and maintenance packages give you the comfort of knowing your home is protected. Contact us today to learn more. 

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