Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Checklist: 10 Questions to Ask Your Technician

HVAC tools on table - Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Checklist: 10 Questions to Ask Your Technician

Not an expert on your HVAC system? Don’t sweat it! We’ve got you covered with a straightforward list of ten key questions to ask your technician when scheduling routine maintenance. Let’s dive in and learn more about proper HVAC care.  

1. What Is the Ideal Maintenance Schedule for HVAC? 

The ideal maintenance schedule for an HVAC system typically involves a professional checkup twice a year – once before the summer and once before winter. However, the frequency needed may vary depending on the age and type of your HVAC system, its usage, and local climate conditions. 

2. What Kind of HVAC Maintenance Is Required? 

Regular HVAC maintenance involves several steps, including inspecting and cleaning the system components, checking thermostat settings, lubricating moving parts, and checking system controls. It’s more than just a checkup; it’s a comprehensive process to ensure everything is working as it should be. Specific tasks include: 

  • Regular filter changes  
  • Condenser and evaporator coil cleaning for AC units 
  • Inspection of the heat exchanger, pilot assembly, burner, etc. for furnaces 
  • Inspection of fans and blower assemblies 
  • Thermostat inspection for accurate temperature readings and controls 
  • Lubrication of moving parts to reduce friction 
  • Refrigerant level monitoring  

Essentially, the technician ensures every part of the system is operating safely and efficiently, so you can get the most out of your HVAC system.  

3. Do I Need to Hire a Professional for Basic Maintenance? 

While homeowners can perform basic tasks such as replacing air filters or keeping the areas around HVAC units clean, most maintenance tasks require professional expertise. With risks like hazardous gas poisoning, burns, and other injuries, it’s critical that trained technicians carry out this service. You also don’t want to risk breaking a part or voiding your warranty—that would be counterproductive to routine maintenance! 

4. What Happens if You Don’t Maintain Your HVAC System? 

Neglecting HVAC maintenance can lead to decreased energy efficiency, higher monthly costs, and a shortened system lifespan. It could also lead to breakdowns, resulting in costly repairs or replacements. Many new systems also require regular upkeep as part of their warranty conditions, so be sure to ask your HVAC technician how to avoid any potential problems ahead of time.  

5. What Can I Do in Between Scheduled Maintenance to Keep My System in Good Shape? 

Between professional maintenance visits, homeowners can change the air filters regularly (every 90 days), ensure outdoor units are clear of dirt, snow and debris, and check for any unusual sounds or smells. Remember, most other maintenance tasks should be left to the professionals. 

6. What Isn’t Included in Routine HVAC Servicing? 

Routine servicing typically doesn’t include ductwork cleaning, refrigerant replacement, or extensive repairs. These services are generally conducted separately and can involve additional costs. Following a routine inspection, though, your technician will alert you to these issues and whether repairs are urgent or not.  

7. When Should I Call an HVAC Technician About a Potential Problem? 

You should call a technician if you notice unusual noises, odours, or leaks, a sudden increase in energy bills, inconsistent temperatures, or if the system fails to turn on or off.  

8. What Maintenance Does a Heat Pump Need? 

Heat pump maintenance includes checking the thermostat, cleaning filters, inspecting ducts, checking the blower, and inspecting indoor and outdoor coils. These tasks help maintain efficiency and extend the lifespan of the heat pump. 

9. Does a Heat Pump Need to Be Maintained Twice a Year? 

Yes, like other HVAC systems, heat pumps should ideally be maintained twice a year – before the heating and cooling seasons – to ensure optimum performance and efficiency. Some exceptions to this could be if your heat pump isn’t the primary heating or cooling appliance in your home. In that case, once per year is sufficient.  

10. Who Should I Contact for HVAC Maintenance? 

You’ll want to contact a reputable HVAC company with licensed technicians to ensure you get the proper work done on your system. Check online reviews or ask members of your community about who they prefer when it comes to professional and thorough maintenance services. 

Air Treatment ClimateCare is Here to Help in the GTA 

Proactive HVAC maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your system.  

If you’re looking for professional HVAC maintenance in Toronto, look no further than Air Treatment ClimateCare. Contact us today to schedule your next maintenance visit and enjoy peace of mind knowing your HVAC system is in capable hands. 

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