How to Get Rid of Air Pollution in Your Home

Young family on living room floor looking at tablet

The quality of the air you breathe is critical in the maintenance of your health and the long-term preservation of your home. When people catch colds or start to develop more serious chronic health issues, they often attribute it to something external, when in fact, the problem could be originating right in the place where they spend the most time.  

It’s our goal today to bring awareness to some of the most common indoor pollutants that might be contaminating your space and then offer some tried and true solutions for eradicating them for the health and well-being of every occupant inside. 

Common Indoor Pollutants 

Here are some of the most common indoor air pollutants that tend to affect people’s health and overall quality of life. Some are tracked in from the outside, some radiate up from underground, and others lie dormant within our walls – slowly releasing over time because of the materials they’re made of. 

Examples of indoor air pollutants include: 

  • Mould/pollen 
  • Radon 
  • Viruses & bacteria 
  • Cigarette smoke 
  • Asbestos 
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) 
  • Pesticides 
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 
  • Lead (Pb) 
  • Wood smoke 

Causes & Types of Indoor Air Pollution 

There can be several causes of indoor air pollution, depending on the type of pollutant we’re talking about. For example 

  • VOCs and lead (Pb) can all be sourced from the materials used in your house’s construction. Consequently, they may now pollute the air inside (VOCs from stains/paints/chemical treatments and lead from lead paints). 
  • Secondhand smoke can arise from occupants who indulge in cigarettes or spend time in workplaces where others do so regularly.  
  • Radon can seep its way up from underground deposits and contaminate your home without you even knowing due to its odourless and tasteless nature. 
  • Pesticides can be blown in through open windows and doors if surrounded by agriculture, parks and even sidewalks that have been recently sprayed. 

What’s important is finding the source of the pollution so we can enact or install a mitigating measure to dispose of or counteract these pollutants once and for all. 

Finding a solution to improve your indoor air quality is easy with Air Treatment ClimateCare. Contact our experts today for help!

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Ways to Get Rid of Indoor Pollution 

Here are some of the best ways to tackle indoor air pollution, with the added benefit that many of these efforts work to eliminate more than one type of pollutant at the same time: 

  1. Clean your house often to eliminate dander, dust, and debris build-up 
  2. Keep your indoor humidity levels between 30%-50% 
  3. Make sure the space is properly ventilated 
  4. Ban smoking in and around the household 
  5. Change your air/furnace filters at the recommended intervals 
  6. Install a central air purifier 

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality 

Air Treatment ClimateCare has the solutions and expert professionals to ensure your air is clean, breathable, and irritant free! Contact us today to learn how you can reduce sickness and improve overall health by monitoring the air quality in your home!