Here’s How to Add a Humidifier to Your Existing Furnace

book, cup and red blanket against snowy window

Dry, uncomfortable skin may leave your wondering: can you add a humidifier to an existing furnace, or is it too late? Yes, you can install a humidifier with your existing furnace. In fact, it is a great idea. They can dramatically change how you feel in your home, especially in the winter. 

Want to Add a Humidifier to Your Furnace? Here’s What You Need to Do 

Once you’re convinced that you should install a humidifier, you may wonder how it should be done. First, this is not a DIY job. Be sure to book an installation with a trusted HVAC provider. 

Your HVAC technician will handle the work, but what should you, as the homeowner, expect from this process? A lot depends on the type of system you have, but we’ll give you a basic overview of how to put your humidifier on your furnace. 

What to Expect from Your HVAC Technician 

Your HVAC technician should arrange with you ahead of time as to when he or she will drop by to do your installation. They should arrive on time and have all of the tools and materials they will need for the job. Tools range from simple things like a screwdriver to more advanced tools like tin snips, a crimping tool, and a torpedo level—a lot of tools that the average homeowner does not have. 

Your HVAC technician should be happy to answer your questions before you get started. They should tell you approximately how long the installation will take and if the furnace will need to be turned off. Typically, it does need to be turned off for at least a brief period of time. You can prewarm your home to a higher temperature if you like, but typical installations are fast enough that you will not get too cold while you wait. 

To book your furnace installation contact us today.

Technician wallking out of truck with tools

Furnace Humidifier Installation 

Here are the basic steps of the installation:   

  • Make a plan: There are several different parts of the humidifier, and each furnace is a little different. With their experience, your HVAC professional will decide where each component should go to make the most logical and safe system. They know that the humidistat needs to be above the humidifier, that the bypass connection should be straight, and all kinds of other tricks. 
  • Mount unit and humidistat: Typically, your HVAC professional will need to cut into your return air duct to mount the humidifier and humidistat. 
  • Install supply duct: This line will bring water to the humidifier. 
  • Install drain piping: This will allow water to leave the humidifier. 
  • Connect transformer and wiring: This will power the humidifier. Do not attempt this step on your own! 
  • Waterline and valve: This connects the home’s water to the humidifier.  

Humidity levels can mean the difference between a comfortable winter season and a season of dry cracked skin. You can get a humidifier easily installed onto your existing furnace by contacting our experts today.